I would like to request three new keywords:
1. University of Wyoming, College of Engineering and Physical Science (long name). Recommended short name: UWYO/CEPS
Providers > Academic > UWYO/CEPS
2. AIRCRAFT (same long and short name). Using "AIRCRAFT" rather than "AIRPLANE" will allow for seamless replacement of an existing deprecated keyword. There is currently no AIRCRAFT platform option categorized as such:
Platforms < Air-based Platforms < Propeller < AIRCRAFT
Definition: A fixed-wing airplane that is moved forward by thrust from a propeller.
3. Relative Permittivity (same long and short name)
Earth Science > Cryosphere > Snow/Ice > Relative Permittivity
Definition: The Relative permittivity (or dielectric constant, ε) is a measure of the ease with which a material is polarized by an electric field relative to vacuum. It is defined by the magnitude of the dielectric polarization (dipole moment per unit volume) induced by a unit field. Dielectric constants have no units - they are coefficients that multiply the capacitance with free space (or vacuum) as dielectric.
Thank you,
1. University of Wyoming, College of Engineering and Physical Science (long name). Recommended short name: UWYO/CEPS
Providers > Academic > UWYO/CEPS
2. AIRCRAFT (same long and short name). Using "AIRCRAFT" rather than "AIRPLANE" will allow for seamless replacement of an existing deprecated keyword. There is currently no AIRCRAFT platform option categorized as such:
Platforms < Air-based Platforms < Propeller < AIRCRAFT
Definition: A fixed-wing airplane that is moved forward by thrust from a propeller.
3. Relative Permittivity (same long and short name)
Earth Science > Cryosphere > Snow/Ice > Relative Permittivity
Definition: The Relative permittivity (or dielectric constant, ε) is a measure of the ease with which a material is polarized by an electric field relative to vacuum. It is defined by the magnitude of the dielectric polarization (dipole moment per unit volume) induced by a unit field. Dielectric constants have no units - they are coefficients that multiply the capacitance with free space (or vacuum) as dielectric.
Thank you,
Statistics: Posted by jkstarnes — Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:23 pm America/New_York