Assuming you want the HR products, you can figure out which Pass + Tile ID combinations cover your area of interest (using Earthdata Search), and expect one product every 20.86455 days for each of those pass/tile id combos. There should be multiple ascending and descending passes that cover different parts of Bangladesh. But so far, the HR products are only available for a few weeks in April 2023, so I recommend using a LR product or the nadir altimetry (recommended: SWOT_L2_NALT_IGDR_2.0) to search for your region's Pass IDs for now.
For example, for the L2_HR_PIXC products, Tile ID "113L" from Pass ID "536" is located over Bangladash (as well as several other tiles). A recent pass start time for pass 536 is 2024-02-13T03:22:23.712 and the same Tile ID in that same pass should repeat every 20.86455 days
A couple other passes over Bangladesh include pass 467 (2024-02-10T15:53) and pass 495 (2024-02-11T15:54). Depending on your exact region of interest, there may be different pass (and Tile ID numbers within the passes) that interest you.
Assuming you want the HR products, you can figure out which Pass + Tile ID combinations cover your area of interest (using Earthdata Search), and expect one product every 20.86455 days for each of those pass/tile id combos. There should be multiple ascending and descending passes that cover different parts of Bangladesh. But so far, the HR products are only available for a few weeks in April 2023, so I recommend using a LR product or the nadir altimetry (recommended: SWOT_L2_NALT_IGDR_2.0) to search for your region's Pass IDs for now.
For example, for the L2_HR_PIXC products, Tile ID "113L" from Pass ID "536" is located over Bangladash (as well as several other tiles). A recent pass start time for pass 536 is 2024-02-13T03:22:23.712 and the same Tile ID in that same pass should repeat every 20.86455 days
A couple other passes over Bangladesh include pass 467 (2024-02-10T15:53) and pass 495 (2024-02-11T15:54). Depending on your exact region of interest, there may be different pass (and Tile ID numbers within the passes) that interest you.
Statistics: Posted by PODAAC - celiaoued — Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:07 am America/New_York