The ocean color products from PACE OCI will be generated from L1B.
There isn't a PACE land surface reflectance product...yet ...notice the TBDs under the land section of
We are exploring options, though, one of which is the current rhos (Rayleigh corrected reflectance) product that l2gen can produce. The downside to that product is the Rayleigh correction used over land is a bit simplistic. We have a team (a small team, currently a team of 1, soon to be 2) looking at alternatives for surface reflectance, as well as other land products (e.g. various vegetative indices) Stay tuned...
There isn't a PACE land surface reflectance product...yet ...notice the TBDs under the land section of
We are exploring options, though, one of which is the current rhos (Rayleigh corrected reflectance) product that l2gen can produce. The downside to that product is the Rayleigh correction used over land is a bit simplistic. We have a team (a small team, currently a team of 1, soon to be 2) looking at alternatives for surface reflectance, as well as other land products (e.g. various vegetative indices) Stay tuned...
Statistics: Posted by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey — Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:31 am America/New_York